
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Death Changes Everything Essay

As human beings live on, each experience takes a different effect. Some events can bring joy to a person’s life, but other events allow us to become grief-stricken. People have different ways to handle all the stressful situations that occur in their lives. Death challenges our ability to remain unchanged. No matter whom the person has lost, they become affected by their nonexistence. Through the life-changing event of death, many changes arise as a direct result of the loss. After losing a loved one or someone close, anger begins to boil inside. The death reminds us that we remain living. Some begin to wonder why they can not the replace the one who died. The person who changes the most experiences the transition from living life with someone to suffering the effects of the death. Anger forms inside and soon after depression follows. Throughout the entire experience of mourning a death, the feeling of loneliness and depression stalks every daily action, affecting the person negatively. Remaining isolated during such a difficult time affects the person’s mental health. Although the thoughts of having a quiet place seem comforting, that exact comfort can become something that negatively affects the way a person maneuvers all the changes that take place during the transition. A person’s mental health can reach a new low during the stage of depression, ultimately leading to the final stage. Acceptance could possibly revive a person’s outlook on life. After a person experiences the loss of someone close to them, the last challenge that a person must overcome may become recognized as acceptance. The realization a person embraces as a result to death acts as a great teacher. Life gains a new meaning and somehow motivates a person to live in a more satisfying life. Acceptance allows a person to display the positive effects of death. Each stage of grieving changes death and creates a less dramatic change for a person. Death can affect a person negatively or positively. A person experiences many steps while mourning their loss and each step assists them to eventually accept the fact that they have lost a close friend but their life still remains. Some stages of grieving effect a person differently. People control the way they respond to such a life-changing event. Throughout the grieving process many changes arise which affect a person as a direct result of death.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Environmental Ethical Issues Essay

The world has over the last few years been witnessing a remarkable rise in awareness in philosophical ideologies that are geared towards the environment. A number of theories such as animal rights, eco-feminism, deep ecology, bio-centric ethics and other theories have been proposed with the main aim of providing value to the environment. Environmental philosophies have helped in exploring various causes of environmental destruction and the proposals they put across that would help to reverse the trend of destruction and restore the environment to an acceptable level. Most of the practices that these theories try to raise are geared towards grappling with the effects produced by the industrial and economic cultures that thrive in most countries. However, a variety of issues arise pertaining to the applicability of environmental ethics and whether the theoretical outcomes are attainable (Brennan and Lo, 2009). Nature has always been an important aspect of human life, this is evident with the recent surge of focus in the subject as more and more people become aware of the environment. The issue of environmental ethics came into being as a discipline in schools in the 1970’s. Philosophies during the 1960’s had the perception that the late 20th century would witness a ‘population time bomb†. Rachael Carol was one of the vocal scientists who drew much attention to the issue of an environmental crisis by detailing the impact that pesticides would have on the environment. Lynn White jr. also did a masterpiece essay that traced the roots of environmental crisis by arguing that Judeo-Christian thinking was a major contributor in the over-exploitation of nature. He argues that the thinking was that human beings were superior to nature, which is a theory that is widely discussed in theology and history. This as he argues tends to cause a kind of arrogance towards nature and this tends to be a cause environmental crisis (Brennan and Lo, 2009). Polluting or destroying the environment is behaviors that are considered as immoral and this perception proves that human beings are embracing the concept that a sustainable environment is necessary for survival. However, the process of keeping a sustainable environment may mean culling animals, destroying overpopulated species, putting out natural fires and this often leads to some issues such as the morality of the actions taken. Another issue that arises is the restoration of an environment after destruction such as when a mining company restores a land after working on it for a while which begs the question of whether there is a â€Å"difference between restoring an environment or a natural one† (Brennan and Lo, 2009). Modern day scientists have often argued that finding a distinction between â€Å"instrumental values and intrinsic values† is of great importance (Brennan and Lo, 2009). Instrumental values mean that are usable while on the other hand, intrinsic values are not reusable are an end to their survival. Fruits are considered to be of instrumental value to bats that feed on them since this makes the bats survive. The fruits on the other hand are not widely regarded as having an intrinsic value for themselves. This debate has been one of the contentious environmental ethics issues. Things considered being of intrinsic value demand protection morally with regard to those that are instrumental. Most traditional thinkers often tagged the term intrinsic value only to humans with a renowned philosopher Aristotle arguing that â€Å"nature has made all things specifically for the sake of man† which means that everything else is classified as instrumental (Keller 2010). However, with the advent of the environmental ethics, the issue of man’s moral superiority to other species in the planet is been challenged. The other borne of contention that is trying to be tackled, is the classification of intrinsic and instrumental values among various species. Modern scientists have often argued that the main essence of environmental ethics is directed towards providing moral grounds for policies that are aimed at protecting the planets environment and tackling issues of environmental degradation before they get out of hand (Keller, 2010). The fate of the outcomes that environmental ethics aims to fulfill lies in how various laws will be enacted. A considerable number of philosophers have come up with ideologies and they should be used in order to formulate laws so as to promote environmental values that are acceptable and also attainable. Everybody should be part of ensuring that the environment is being conserved so as to ensure survival of for the present and future generations. It cannot escape out attention that we are living in a nuclear age where we heavily depend on energy that produces waste which some of it is hazardous to the environment and even unrecyclable. These types of waste require careful management in getting rid off, so as to ensure that they do not pose significant threats to the environment. Although these types of waste may not have short-term effects at the present, they may be catastrophic for the future generation and thus the need to practice wise environmental ethics at the present to ensure survival and a future for the planet. References: Keller, D. R. (2010). Environmental Ethics: The Big Question. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Brennan, A. and Lo, Y. (2009). â€Å"Environmental Ethics†, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2009 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed. ), derived on August 16, 2010 http://plato. stanford. edu/archives/win2009/entries/ethics-environmental/ .

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analysis of the Film American Beauty Filmed in 1999 Essay

Analysis of the Film American Beauty Filmed in 1999 - Essay Example â€Å"American Beauty† is a remarkable achievement in several ways. Despite having somewhat traditional cinematography, the artistic accomplishments of this movie in other aspects of film making and its following critical acclaim (including all of the awards that it won upon its release) led directly to widespread commercial success. Many aspects of the cinematography of â€Å"American Beauty† are somewhat traditional while avoiding cliche – at very least they are very far from experimental in any real way. The film, for instance, follows the rule of thirds nearly dogmatically, always maintaining action along the imaginary lines that would divide the screen vertically and horizontally. It tends to avoid extreme close-ups and distant medium shots while focusing on close ups and long shots, which all conspire to give this film something of a classical Hollywood look. This traditional Hollywood look that pervades the movie is useful, however, in differentiating the ‘produced’ aspects of the movie which has a generally negative tone, focusing on emotions and ideas such as despair, and ugliness, from other aspects of the film which focus on the polar opposite of these ideas, namely hope and beauty. Hope, one of this films major themes, is consistently connected a certain kind of shot: aerial shots of the suburbia in which the central family of the show lives. These aerial shots, frequently featuring excellent narration by Kevin Spacey, usually focus on the chances of life to expand beyond the mundane and reach into the ethereal. These shots are especially effective because they invoke an otherworldly quality, almost of a being in an afterlife looking down benevolently onto the town. By evoking the afterlife these shots give an underlying feeling of hope and possibility in the crowd. These shots, by departing so drastically from more traditional Hollywood cinematography, draw attention to themselves and their departure from the darke r themes of the rest of the movie. This departure from the traditional Hollywood style for the purpose of aerial shots has one other major parallel in the film, the classic and oft referenced (and mocked) handheld shots of a bag blowing through the breeze. These shots focus on beauty that can be found anywhere in the world, even in the most basic events throughout life. The shots are not only of bags blowing in the wind, but also show one of the main characters, Jane Burnham, portrayed by Thora Birch, disrobing and exposing her breasts to another person for the first time. This openness and beauty juxtaposes her general shyness and awkwardness, showing that even in her somewhat un-perfect packaging beauty can be found. The use of a grainy and unsteady handy-cam to display these signs of beauty, contrasting the high quality shots of ugliness not only draws attention to the shots, but also highlights a final of the film’s major themes: conflict and juxtaposition. One of the ess ential aspects of â€Å"American Beauty† is that there are incredible amounts of contrast within everything from characters (such as a homophobic gay man) to the world itself, which is both ugly and beautiful. Beauty displayed by an ugly handycam video contrasts with ugliness from a high quality video camera to show the essential conflict between opposing

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Chemistry and Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Chemistry and Society - Essay Example In the ancient time, spiraea and willow bark plant extract of which the active ingredient was salicylic acid had been used to ease pain, headaches and fevers. In the year 1763, Edward Stone isolated the active element of aspirin when he discovered salicylic acid. Charles Frederic Gerhardt who was a French chemist prepared the first acetylsalicylic acid in the year 1853. During Charles Frederic Gerhardt's work, on the property and synthesis of different acid anhydrides, Charles Frederic mixed acetyl chloride with a sodium salt (Edubillacom, 2015). After a vigorous reaction, the resulting melt was then solidified, and the compound obtained was named salicylic-acetic anhydride.In the year 1859, von Gilm obtained acetylsalicylic acid through the reaction of acetyl chloride and salicylic acid (Watson, 2011). In the year 1897, Bayer AG chemists produced a version of synthetically altered salicin. The product was derived from Filipendula ulmaria species which had a less digestive upset as c ompared to the pure salicylic acid. Bayer AG named the new drug Aspirin (May & Cotton, 2014). By the year 1899, the drug was sold around the world (SchröR, 2009). The drug became popularly known due to its effectiveness in the first half of the 20th century. Synthetic fabrics are from synthetic polymers which are created using polymerization of different chemical inputs. Polymerization refers to the process of combining various smaller molecules to form larger molecules.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

ECONOMICS OF THE UAE Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

ECONOMICS OF THE UAE - Case Study Example Fossil fuels (oil, coal and gas) will remain the most supplied form of energy used throughout the globe. Hence this sector is an important source of economic growth for the gulf region. The structure of labour force also plays an important role in the economic development of any country. The structure of the UAE labour force has been studied in this paper and the pattern of expenditure of their income is investigated to assess the effect of labour force on the GCC economy. This paper analyses six articles on this issue and evaluates the findings to assess the process of economic growth of the GCC region. 1. The development and principal features of an oil economy The article by Issac John, titled, â€Å"Dubai government owned e-commerce website to expand in Gulf† published in Khaleej Times on 20 February 2013, explains this phenomenon. In 2011 GCC had a nominal GDP of US$1.4trilion (QNB, 2013). The economy of the GCC region is based on the oil reserves of the region and till p resent times it is known to have the largest reserves of crude oil in the whole world (approximately 486.8 billion barrels) (Gulfbase, 2013). While the OPEC countries together accounts for 70% of the total known crude oil reserves of the world, the GCC alone represent 35.7% of the total reserve. This region holds the topmost rank in producing and exporting petroleum in the world thereby generally assuming a primary role in the global economy, particularly in the OPEC. The GCC economy has increased in size almost three times in the period between 2002 and 2008. This shows that the seven countries in the GCC region (Ajman, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Al Fujayrah, Sharjah, Ras al Khaymah and Umm al Qaywayn) have reflected spectacular economic growth till mid 2008 (EIA, 2013). GCC countries account for 52% of the total OPEC oil reserves and 49% of the total OPEC crude oil production. The region is continuing its economic reform program, focusing on attracting domestic, regional and foreign privat e sector investment into oil & gas, power generation, telecommunications, and real-estate sectors. However, the slouch in the financial condition around the globe has brought about a slowdown in the economic status of the world which has slowed down the rate of investment in different development projects in this region. However, with the recent efforts made by all countries towards economic recovery is creating a quick rebound in the economic activities in the region (Gulfbase, 2013). According to analysts the combination of sluggish rise in global oil demand and rising market penetration by the non-OPEC countries might have a dampening effect on oil prices thereby limiting profits for the GCC countries in the near future. According to data published by the International Energy Agency (IEA) in June 2010 the quota compliance of UAE with the member countries of OPEC was re-adjusted (Kumar, 2010). Average export price of oil is estimated to rise marginally therefore declining in real terms. Export volumes would expand only by 1% annually till end of the decade. In the progression, contribution from the GCC countries would sum up to half of the total OPEC output and the â€Å"OPEC output as a share of global demand for oil is expected to decline from about 40 percent in 1995 to 37 percent by the end of the decade†

Friday, July 26, 2019

Pros of GMO Foods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Pros of GMO Foods - Essay Example pulation, massive 3rd world hunger, and with an estimation that a child dies for every two seconds world wide from starvation; this does not even take into account the number of people who are mal and undernourished, there is a great promise in the use of this technology to benefit not only the farmers, but also societies worldwide† (â€Å"Benefits of GM Food†). Even in the prosperous countries, the demand of food is more than the supply of natural food. This imparts a need to produce GMO foods. GMO foods’ bigger yields helps use the land more efficiently with less use of pesticides and herbicides. GMO foods’ flavor, nutritional value, and texture is better than that of their natural counterparts. GMO foods look larger in size and fuller in appearance and their colors are more vibrant and appealing to the eye compared to natural foods. The way a fruit or vegetable looks has a very important role in its usability in meals. People want to eat foods that look appealing and

Aviation Safety System Management Program Research Paper

Aviation Safety System Management Program - Research Paper Example In the modern dispensation of the aviation industry, SMS has become a legal requirement for any airline operator before they can fully be registered to fly passengers. These systems are used to proactively prevent occurrences of incidents and accidents, managing chances of the occurrences and to provide a baseline for investigation purposes in case of any occurrences. This paper partly engages renowned safety analysis cases in the aviation industry while consolidating information on the need for SMS, its basics and hoe to typically design such a system for an aviation operator within all the relevant considerations as mandated by the law. However, the information contained in this paper is just for purposes of creating a foundation for further research and investigation and the systems will be dependent on the organizational needs and structures. This research paper shall engage an in-depth analysis of the concept of Safety Management System (SMS) especially within the considerations of the aviation industry with a close reference to previous renowned safety analysis case works in an attempt to try and consolidate information on the actual need for and how to create an effective SMS for purposes of safety sensitization and education in the daily operations of most organizations, the airline industry specifically (Shappel & Wiegmann, 2000). In the same regard, the best approach to take in this case is to first establish the basics of SMS with a close niche of the real life experiences using the numerous information available on this topic and typically, before setting out to elucidate the approach on how to create them, there is need to inform the whole process based on previous evidence and analysis. For a start, a Safety Management Systems (SMS) is a framework, which is principally formal and systematically indicates how to proactively identify risks and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Should children or spouses withhold life support to loved ones when it Essay

Should children or spouses withhold life support to loved ones when it is evident that the loved one will never get better or en - Essay Example When family members find themselves in the throes of deciding whether or not to pull their loved one off of life support, instead of fully considering reason and the facts, they prefer to hold on to the hope that their loved one will get better over time. They tend to allow themselves to be controlled by questions of ‘what if’, feeling that it will always be too soon to make the decision with the hopes that maybe all their loved one needs is just a little more time. Nowadays, doctors and neurologists are able to determine the outcome of the patient in regard to quality of life, but family members often throw aside the facts and decide on just to wait and hope. There are others that also believe that it would be considered murder to pull their family members off of life support, a grueling concept that is argued on both sides. The line between ethical and unethical becomes very thin in a situation such as this. Nevertheless, there are some family members that would simply rather not see their loved one barely alive and unable to ever enjoy life. To them, there is no purpose to life when life cannot be properly enjoyed. This, perhaps, is the best way to look a situation of this nature. If a person is on life support without the hope of getting better or being able to enjoy their life, it would be more ethical to not allow them to continue to suffer, because suffering is all that they are doing. Family members are sometimes inclined to keep their loved ones on life support without considering how that person will actually benefit from it, if they can benefit from it at all. â€Å"Once a person reaches a state of vegetation, it takes a miracle for them to come out of it (Freeman, pg. 92)†. Many people require therapy, and even these patients do not go on to lead normal, productive lives. Parts of their brain are still unable to function to let them be aware of their surroundings. When it comes to contemplating whether or not to keep a person on life support, the case of Terri Schiavo is often considered. In 1990, Schiavo collapsed in her home from cardiac arrest, suffering massive brain damage; after a few months in the hospital, she was considered to be in a vegetative state, completely unaware of anything around her, even though she would occasionally respond to certain stimuli. She remained on life support for a few years, undergoing various therapies with the hope that she could be brought back to a state of awareness. Eight years later, when there was no sign or hope of improvement, her husband appealed to have her feeding tube removed, which would ultimately end her life. Schiavo’s estranged parents did not agree with this, and a battle ensued. The argument on the behalf of Schiavo’s parents was that Schiavo was still conscious, while her husband’s argument was that she was unaware of anything going on and she never would come out of this state. It was pointless to keep her alive because she woul d never be able to enjoy life. Indeed, no other option would exist for her except to be bedridden and attached to tubes to keep her alive. This was another

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Bar Coding in Administering Medication Case Study

Bar Coding in Administering Medication - Case Study Example Such a situation arises when all the intended information about the patient and the medication is not communicated to the doctors, nurses and other support staff with all clarity. Bar coding provides a reliable solution to such errors. With the help of bar code; Speed of identifying the patient, illness, prescription, past history, complications encountered etc. increases manifold. Instead of going through the lengthy papers, a bar code helps in comprehensively identifying the patient, thus helping in saving the precious time and the life of the patient. Label design, barcode and printing software: The label can be designed with information regarding the medication being given to the patient, his medical history, his identification, lab specimen collection, verification of blood products prior to transfusion, electronic charge capture of supplies at the point of use, automated medicine dispensing system, information about doctors' and other support staff etc. Pharmacy Management Software & Pharmacy Management Technology Providers: Such comprehensive systems are provided by QS/1, PanaceaRX, AmerisourceBergen Technology Group, Retail Management Solutions, Speed Script, SRS Systems, RXLink, RS Software, AdvanceNet Health Solutions, Etreby Computer Company, Inc., Per-Se Technologies (formerly NDCHealth), PharmTrak, OPUS-ISM, McKesson Pharmacy Systems, HBS Pharmacy Services, Soft Writers, Inc., THOT Corporation, CarePoint, Inc., HCC Pharmacy Solutions, JASCORP etc. Hardware Requirements: To handle the bar coding effectively in health care sector, all the above mentioned software require adequate hardware support. For the implementation of eMAR services we need; A dependable computer/s with good amount of hard disk space, DD RAM and a latest processor fitted with the bar code reading software and other peripherals. An LCD monitor works well with such systems as it occupies lesser space and the screen in more readable. Bar Code Scanner/ imager ID Bar code printer. This printer has to be a

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Intellectual Property Law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Intellectual Property Law - Research Paper Example With mounting pressures by judicial criticism, intellectual property was regulated under common law and the Statute of Monopolies enacted in 1623 rendered illegal all monopolies except those for a defined term of years; this forms the basis of modern patent law (World Intellectual Property Organization, p.1). The exact origin of intellectual property law is still unknown. However, it is a fact that, terms like intellectual property was used during the initial half of seventeenth century in Britain. The history of intellectual property rights in the modern era started in Germany in 1867. North German Confederation is believed to be the first country which formulated intellectual property laws in the modern era. â€Å"The North German Confederation first used the term â€Å"intellectual property† in 1867, providing for legislative protection in its constitution†(Furst). Since then, intellectual laws evolved in different forms at different parts of the world. Different cou ntries have different types of intellectual property laws. ... Copyright is a form of protection provided to the authors of â€Å"original works† and includes such things as literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual creations, both published and unpublished. Copyright does not protect ideas. It only protects the specific and original expression of the idea (Pipers) For example, Windows is the operating system developed by Microsoft. It should be noted that plenty of people, including Bill Gates, worked on the development of Windows operating system. This product is protected with the help of copyright laws. It is illegal to use pirated copies of Windows on computers. Even in China, Microsoft succeeded in winning some cases with respect to copyright violation of its products. â€Å"A local court in Shanghai ruled that Dazhong Insurance must pay Microsoft 2.17 million yuan ($317,900) as compensation for using pirated Microsoft software, NetEase.com reported†(Stan) â€Å"Patents are used to protect new pro duct, process, apparatus, and uses providing the invention is not obvious in light of what has been done before† (European Generic medicines Association). It should be noted that new products are developed only because of the huge efforts undertaken by somebody. Once a new product is developed, it is easy for others to copy it. In other words, leaders and followers are in the market. Leaders always generate new ideas and innovate new products whereas followers try to copy those ideas and innovations. In order to avoid such illegal copying, all new products and services developed by somebody can be protected with the help of patent laws. Patent rights are usually given only for a particular period of time. The owner of a patented product should disclose the innovation to the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Sweeney and subsequent death Essay Example for Free

Sweeney and subsequent death Essay This makes the surprise at the end, that she is actually Todd’s wife, less astounding. We have seen so little of her that it really isn’t that important where as in the musical this surprise can elicit gasps. This woman is so changed that Sweeney Todd has interacted with her and not recognized his own wife! The two characters whose stories are closely presented as the musical are Senior Pirelli and Tobias. Pirelli’s barber competition with Sweeney and subsequent death by Sweeney is told in both the musical and movie. He is an important character as his past and killing set up the crucial plot point. Sweeney has killed one of his enemies for the first time and how to get ride of the body? Mrs. Lovett’s pie shop success and yearning for more success, which influences her concealment of Lucy, push forward the story. Tobias is present in both the musical and movie as an assistant to Pirelli and then Mrs. Lovett. Though his importance is not until the very end of the show. It is he who kills Sweeney Todd and ultimately he is blamed for the deaths of Lucy, Mrs. Lovett and Sweeney Todd. While he is present in almost all of the same scenes in the musical and movie is love for Mrs. Lovett is not as developed in the movie as it is in the musical. The musical present Toby as caring deeply for Mrs. Lovett and having a distrust of Sweeney Todd. Toby is seen in the movie but his presence is of little importance. He is there to eventually kill Todd and the majority of his time spent in the bake house was cut completely. These are the characters in the musical and movie of Sweeney Todd. The movie main plot line of both the film and musical is on Sweeney Todd’s story, with Mrs. Lovett being a significant contributor to his story. The musical displays the secondary characters with more story, songs and background. This exposure results in characters that truly influence Sweeny Todd and we care that Anthony and Joanna are the only ones to survive. The audience is reviled at the Judge and his desire to wed Joanna. The audience is not shocked at the beggar woman’s death until we realize she is Todd’s wife because she very insane. The movie is a convenient and less expense way to experience Sweeny Todd but the musical present all of the characters and a wonderful round story that ties up all the loose ends and stresses the importance of each character. References: BBC- Press Office, December 8, 2005, Man or Myth, the Making of Sweeney Todd, BBC. co. uk, accessed April 18, 2008,

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Phenylthiocarbamide Taste Perception in Type 2 Diabetics

Phenylthiocarbamide Taste Perception in Type 2 Diabetics Phenylthiocarbamide taste perception in type 2 diabetics and healthy subjects: A case-control study Authors: Wajiha Hassan, Hina Hassan, Muhammad Usman Anwar, Muhammad Umar Kamal, Ehsan Ullah ABSTRACT Objectives: We conducted this study to find out any epistatic relationship between expression of PTC gene and the genes controlling T2D development through comparing the relative frequency of PTC taste perception among T2D patients and healthy subjects. Methods: It was a case-control study conducted in diabetes clinics / centers located at various teaching hospitals in Lahore city. A total of 270 (135 diabetics and 135 healthy) subjects were tested for PTC taste perception by pouring a drop of PTC solutions of 0.0125%, 0.125% and 0.25% concentrations to determine super-tasters, tasters and non-tasters. The proportion of tasters and non-tasters was compared in two study groups with the help of Chi Square test and a p value of 0.05 or less was considered significant and to reject the null hypothesis. Results: Mean age of T2D patients and healthy subjects was 34.21 ±5.74 and 32.90 ±7.44 years respectively. Male to female ratio among T2D patients and healthy subjects was 1:14 and 1:1 respectively. Only 22 (16.29%) of T2D patients and 40 (30.37%) of healthy subjects were super-tasters which was significant difference (p = 0.009) and Odds ratio (OR) was 0.4624. A total of 39 (28.89%) of T2D patients and 25 (18.51%) of healthy controls were non-tasters which was also significant difference (p = 0.04513) and OR was 1.788. Conclusions: Supertasters and tasters of PTC have odds ratios of 0.4624 and 1.788 to have type 2 diabetes mellitus. Key words: Phenylthiocarbamide, taste perception, type 2 diabetes mellitus Introduction: Phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) taste perception is a genetically controlled trail.(1) Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) is a widely occurring multifactorial disease with complex multigenic inheritance playing an important role in its pathogenesis.(2, 3) Interaction of genes conferring inheritance of T2D, pre-diabetes and obesity and those causing PTC taste perception has not been studied in detail though some investigators have highlighted that a possible link exists between the phenotypic expressions of these gene complexes.(4-6) We conducted this study to find out any epistatic relationship between expression of PTC gene and the genes controlling T2D development through comparing the relative frequency of PTC taste perception among T2D patients and healthy subjects. Methods: It was a case-control study conducted in three diabetes clinics located at various teaching hospitals in Lahore city i.e. Jinnah A Diabetes and Endocrinology at Jinnah Hospital Lahore, Diabetes Management Center, Services Hospital Lahore and a diabetes clinic at Sheikh Zayed Hospital, Lahore. A sample of 270 (135 diabetics and 135 healthy) subjects was taken by simple random sampling technique with the help of lucky-draw method among the patients attending these clinics and their attendant/relatives who were non-diabetic. The confirmation of non-diabetic status of the control group participants was obtained by their random serum glucose P value of 0.05 or less was considered significant and to reject the null hypothesis. Results: Mean age of T2D patients and healthy subjects was 34.21 ±5.74 and 32.90 ±7.44 years respectively and there was no significant difference of age distribution among two study groups as shown in Table 1. Table 1. Age distribution of the study population Seventy (51.8%) of the T2D were males and 65 (48.2%) were females. Thus male to female ratio among T2D patients was near to 1:1. About half (n=67, 49.6%) of healthy subjects were males and 68 (50.4%) were females. Thus male to female ratio among healthy subjects was 1:1 as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. Gender ratio among study groups Only 22 (16.29%) of T2D patients and 40 (30.37%) of healthy subjects were super-tasters which was significant difference (p = 0.009) and Odds ratio (OR) was 0.4624. Seventy-one (52.6%) of T2D and 73 (54.1%) of healthy controls were tasters which was not significantly different (p=0.141) and calculated OR for tasters as compared to non-tasters was 1.556. A total of 39 (28.89%) of T2D patients and 25 (18.51%) of healthy controls were non-tasters which was also significant difference (p = 0.04513) and OR was 1.788 as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2. Frequency of super-tasters, tasters and non-tasters in T2D and controls Discussion: Perception of bitter taste is a variable trait both within the same population and between different human populations.(7) Bitter taste perception is encoded by a family of 25 TAS2R taste receptors.(8) Whereas, the two most studied genes are TAS2R38, the one associated with the ability to taste PTC (phenylthiocarbamide) and PROP (6-n-propylthiouracil).(9) Approximately 75% of the world’s population are considered ‘‘tasters’’, and perceive these substances as moderately to intensely bitter. These compounds are weak or tasteless for the remaining 25% of the population, who are considered ‘‘non tasters’’.(10) Another study revealed that tasters can be further divided into two sub-groups: â€Å" tasters†, who perceived moderate intensity from PTC/PROP, and â€Å"supertasters† who perceived these compounds as extremely bitter. Thus, the population distribution of non tasters, tasters and super tasters is nearly 25%, 50% and 25% respectively.(11) In current study, the distribution of PTC taste perception for non-tasters, tasters and super-tasters was 25 (18.5%), 71(52.6%), 39 (28.9%) among the healthy controls which is quite comparable to the findings of Bartoshuk et al.(11) A study from American population showed that 71.2% of their study population was taster and 28.8% was nontaster.(12) A study from a neighboring Asian country reported that taste perception to PTC compounds was present (tasters) in 67% and absent (non-tasters) in 33%.(13) Another study from same Asian country reported that 66.38% of the study population was taster and 33.62% was non-taster to PTC.(14) However, a study from a Pakistani population of young healthy adults revealed the distribution of PTC tasters and non-tasters as 73.75% and 26.25% respectively.(15) Similarly, another group of investigators from Pakistan reported that 81.33% of the healthy adults were tasters and 18.6% were non-tasters.(16) Our observations are comparable to both the studies especially prevalence of non-tasters in our study is approximately the same as reported by Iqbal et al.(16) The second point of discussion in current study is the phenotypic association between the genes encoding for PTC taste perception and diabetes which has been studied by the procedures and methods mentioned earlier. Why the authors did conduct this study? A simple answer is the compelling and enormous links between diabetes and taste perception proposed in the recent literature.(17-19) A study has revealed that increased serum glucose levels induce a concentration-dependent impairment of taste perception in T2D patients as the result of an adaptation of the sensory cell to elevated circulating concentrations of glucose.(5) A study from an Asian population revealed a significant difference in taste sensitivity to PTC between the diabetics and non-diabetics, the former being less sensitive than the latter (16.7 vs. 6.8%).(20) A decrease in palatability of the glucose solutions induced by the glucose load (negative alliaesthesia) has been reported between PTC tasters and non-tasters wher e tasters showed higher hedonic ratings (Mean 4-25), as compared to non-tasters (Mean 3-70) and this difference was more evident after the glucose load in non-tasters.(21) More recently, genetic analysis of bitter tasters and non-tasters have shown that a polymorphism in TAS2R38 is associated with differences in ingestive behavior of the two groups, which may in turn be linked to the development of pre-diabetes and T2D.(22) However, by far the most delectable observations have been reported by Wang et al., who observed significant differences in plasma levels of leptin, tumor necrosis factor-alpha and insulin-like growth factors-1 between tasters and non-tasters to PTC.(4) They also found a positive correlation between plasma levels of glucose and body mass index (BMI) exclusively in non-tasters which indicate that besides the regulation of food consumption, taste perception also appears to be snugly linked to the circulating metabolic hormones. It is proposed by the previous investigators and supported by the authors of current study that people with different taste sensitivity may respond differently to the nutrient stimulation. More robust investigations probing into the link between taste perception and peripheral metabolic control could potentially lead to the development of novel therapies for obesity or Type 2 diabetes. Conclusions: Supertasters are less whereas tasters and non-tasters are more likely to have type 2 diabetes mellitus. Further work is encouraged to unveil the link between taste perception to PTC and T2D. Acknowledgements We acknowledge the participating institutions, their staff members, patients and healthy volunteers for their cooperation. We are thankful to Prof. Dr. Tehseen Iqbal, Professor of Physiology at Dera Ghazi Khan Medical College, DG Khan, Pakistan for his critical, analytic and logistic help without that this research would have never been completed. References: 1.Kim UK, Jorgenson E, Coon H, Leppert M, Risch N, Drayna D. Positional cloning of the human quantitative trait locus underlying taste sensitivity to phenylthiocarbamide. Science. 2003 Feb 21;299(5610):1221-5. 2.Schmidt B, Dragano N, Scherag A, Pechlivanis S, Hoffmann P, Nothen MM, et al. Exploring genetic variants predisposing to diabetes mellitus and their association with indicators of socioeconomic status. BMC Public Health. 2014;14:609. 3.Banerjee M, Saxena M. Genetic polymorphisms of cytokine genes in type 2 diabetes mellitus. World J Diabetes. 2014 Aug 15;5(4):493-504. 4.Wang R, van Keeken NM, Siddiqui S, Dijksman LM, Maudsley S, Derval D, et al. Higher TNF-alpha, IGF-1, and Leptin Levels are Found in Tasters than Non-Tasters. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2014;5:125. 5.Bustos-Saldana R, Alfaro-Rodriguez M, Solis-Ruiz Mde L, Trujillo-Hernandez B, Pacheco-Carrasco M, Vazquez-Jimenez C, et al. [Taste sensitivity diminution in hyperglycemic type 2 diabetics patients]. 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Analysis of the Public Health User Fee Reforms in Malawi

Analysis of the Public Health User Fee Reforms in Malawi RESEARCH PROPOSAL Research title: The political economy analysis of the implementation of public health user fee reforms in Malawi. BACKGROUND AND BRIEF LITERATURE REVIEW The economic crises of the 1970s and 80s led many countries to undergo structural reforms that called for reduced public expenditure for basic services. The reforms resulted in the introduction of cost sharing on the part of beneficiaries (Lucas 1988). In several countries, user fees were imposed as a means to address recurrent costs problems and an extra source of revenue for previously â€Å"undervalued† services of professional providers. Countries responded differently to the introduction of user charges depending on domestic political risk and institutional capacity to efficiently administer the fees. With the reforms, public financing of health declined in many countries, and in some cases, private service providers seized the opportunity to fill the gap (Romer, 1986). Although the involvement of private service providers helped to meet demand for those able to pay, it limited access of the poor to the same services due to the prohibitive costs. Over the past ten years, research on economic growth has demonstrated that human capital is a powerful force in the development process (Becker 1990). In consequence, a sustained increase in this form of capital is crucial for poverty reduction in low-income countries and for an ever rising standard of living. Health is one of the commonly used proxies for human capital an unobservable magnitude or force that is part and parcel of human beings (Schultz 1960). Developing countries are struggling to improve the lives of people living in both rural and urban areas. The big challenge in these countries is lack of resources and problems in allocating the scarce resources. Various governments have prioritized different sectors depending on the needs and demands of the people. Some have prioritized primary education and agriculture while others have prioritized mining and health sector. Developing countries have come up with different interventions purposed to cushion people and be able to manage the risk. Some interventions have taken the form of subsidy while others have taken the form of user fee exemption to mention but two (Schultz 1961). These interventions sometimes are driven by politics, that is why for one to effectively intervene needs to understand the interplay of politics and economics in the developing countries. Depending on policy makers, some would prefer to implement subsidy programmes while others would have user fees exemption or both. User fees are charges one pays at the point of use. The stated interventions are good for the people but to the larger extent over burden the already struggling economy of the developing countries, (Litvack et al 1993). Consequently, government sectors suffer due to being underfunded which has resulted to poor service delivery defeating the whole purpose of subsidy or user fee exemption. Some countries, thus, they have resorted to meet the deficit through the introduction of user fees. For example, in respective of health for all, Malawi government offers free public health services to everyone in the country (ibid). Through observation, the public health services in Malawi particularly those in bordering districts such as Mchinji, Nsanje, Mwanza and Mulanje face very stiff competition on health resources because the hospitals in these districts serve even those from the neighboring countries such as Zambia and Mozambique. Currently with the growing population, government is failing to meet the demand of the free public health services which is manifested through the lack of medical resources in the hospitals. Lack of resources might be because the government has a limited tax base to finance the public health services. For instance, in Daily Times of 18th August, 2014 carried a story that Kamuzu central hospital had suspended all the booked surgeries because the hospital had no medical resources required to carry out operations in the theaters. Burns unit department also suffered the same. In such circumstances the introduction of user fee in public hospitals becomes not an option but a necessity. The user fees may therefore, help in three aspects within health service sector: improving efficiency by moderating demand, containing cost, and mobilize more funds for health care than existing sources provided PROBLEM STATEMENT The aim of free public health services in Malawi was to bring equality and equity in accessing health services. It has been argued that with user fees in accessing public health services, the poor people could be disadvantaged. Axiomatically, healthy people make healthy nation and participate actively in the development activities. Defeating the aim of free public health services, it is the same poor people who are now struggling while the better off and even politicians use the private hospitals. Every person has got the right to good quality health, but the poor people in Malawi are now voiceless and spend painfully on the services that were meant to be free. The situation begs a question that are the public services in Malawi really free at all when a person is told to buy aspirin tablets in private hospitals or pharmacies while the public hospitals have given the medicine to undeserving individuals such as those coming from other neighboring countries e.g. Mozambique just because public hospitals in Malawi are free. Poor people are also voiceless and lack responsibility on the hospital resources for it is given to them for free. Hospital workers have been frustrated because their working environment is not conducive since they are forced to work even when they do not have resources and are sometimes frustrated due late or nor payment at all for the extra hours rendered. Provision of quality health services is one of the social indicators of development. However, looking at the persistent resource shortages in the public health sector, Malawi as a country is far behind the expectation. Optionally, national policy makers in some countries such as Kenya and Mozambique thought to enlarge government revenue base through the introduction and implementation of user fee with an aim of improving services, for example, by improving drug availability and the general quality of health care and extending public health coverage. Therefore, the current study aims at undertaking the political economy analysis of the implementation of public health user fee reforms in Malawi. The study will be guided by the following sampled questions: What are the challenges towards the implementation of public health user fees in Malawi? What is the reaction of policy makers towards public health user fee implementation? Is user fee good option to finance public hospitals Can Malawi manage to embrace user fee policy (in terms of attitudes, willingness and capacity) How much is raised from the paying ward in the central hospitals, are the services different from the non-paying ward? If they are different, how do they differ? And how is money used. Has it brought any change? What are the problems that public hospitals meet? OBJECTIVES Main objective: to undertake the political economy analysis of the implementation of public health user fee reforms in Malawi. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES Exploring the historical discourse of public health user fee in Malawi. Determining the reasons of government failure to introduce and implement user fee in public hospitals. Analysing how people have been deprived of good health services through free public health services in Malawi. Comparing the challenges in managing the resources faced in the CHAM hospitals and public hospitals. Analysing stakeholders’ attitude, willingness and ability to embrace public health user fee implementation policy. HYPOTHESIS Poor quality of public health services can motivate public willingness to pay towards some improvement of the services Inadequate funding leads to poor public health services in Malawi Malawians are deprived of quality public health services through free public health services. User fee reform in public health services can lead to efficiency and equity in public health resources in public hospitals. Politicians wish to introduce public health user fee reform but are deterred by the fear of losing popularity METHODOLOGY STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS The study will mainly use qualitative descriptive and analytical cross sectional approach. Objective 1 and 2 on public health user fee trend and government failure to introduce and implement the same respectively will use qualitative descriptive approach. Whilst objectives 3-5 on analysis of people’s deprivation of good health, comparison of challenges in managing resources and analysis of stakeholder’s attitudes respectively will employ qualitative analytical approach. STUDY SETTTING The study will take place in Malawi, population n of people; the ministry of health headquarters in Lilongwe, Malawi’s four central hospitals, n number of district hospitals n community hospitals and n health centers. There are also CHAM facilities, private hospitals and NGOs (both local and international) that support health system. The study will focus in all central hospitals because they provide tertiary management care. The ministry of health, because it is the headquarters, some selected CHAM facilities in four regions and few selected NGOs in Malawi. TARGET POPULATION Objective 1-2 will target key informants at the headquarters and in the central hospitals and the reviews of available literature in Malawi. Objective 3 will target the discharged patients in the central hospitals and some community around the selected hospitals. Objective 4 will target the health workers in CHAM and central hospitals. Objective 5 will focus on key informants in NGOs which work with health sector. SAMPLING STRATEGY Since the study will employ qualitative design, hence, participants will be selected purposively. DATA COLLECTION PROCESS Before data collection, consent will be obtained from the ministry of health head-quarters and all in-charges of the facilities where the study is going to take place. The research will be explained to the participants to seek their informed consent. Data collection tools will be pre-tested, these will include interview guide for 1) discharged patients to find out any deprivation of their care, 2) health care workers to assess the challenges in resources 3) key informants to analyse their attitudes. And checklist to assess challenges faced by health care workers and patients deprivation of care. ETHICAL CONSIDERATION In carrying out the proposed research, the concept of research ethics will not be ignored. All people involved in this research will have to give consent. No one is going to participate against his or her will but the research would prefer to have full participation from the participants and not partial. Attention will be deployed to make sure that people’s rights are not violated through this research. Participants will be told the aim of the research and everything crucial so that they should be able to give informed consent. Participants’ identity will not be revealed in the data presentation and analysis. However, upon request, some participants predominantly NGOs will have the copy of the research findings. DATA MANAGEMENT Data will be transcribed from Chichewa to English then themes will be developed from which quantitative data will be analysed while quantitative part will be managed by SPSS. Data will be kept confidential unless strict measures are taken to access the same. PRESENTATION OF DATA The data will be presented through quotes and where necessary tables and graphs will be used for the part of quantitative. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK The nature of the research demands SIDA’s Power Analysis framework. The introduction and implementation of public health user fee involves power of various stakeholders who have different powers of influence. The research then aims to analyse and gauge how much power Do these stakeholders have towards the introduction and implementation of user fees in public health services, (Shaw RP et al, 1995). SIDA’s power analysis focuses on understanding structural factors impeding poverty reduction as well as incentives and disincentives for pro-poor development. Thus, health sector is a hub to development of which the poor have to be targeted. SIDA power analysis tool also serves to stimulate thinking about processes of change in terms of what can be done about formal and informal power relations, power structures and the actors contributing to it. The framework seeks to either deepen knowledge, facilitate dialogue, foster influence or feed into policy developing and programming of which in this case will be the introduction and implementation of user fee in public hospitals (Shaw RP et al, 1995). In the same vein, political economy analysis also looks at the interaction of formal and informal institutions. The collected data will also be subjected to the critical analysis under the interaction of informal and formal institutions (ibid). 8.0 JUSTIFICATION OF THE RESEARCH The current research is of paramount importance to the people of Malawi. The study will facilitate the improvement of public health services throughout Malawi. The big problem in the health sector is inadequate resources, consequently, the research is purported to carry out analysis of how public health user fee can be an alternative to financing public hospitals. The improvement in public health services entails healthy people who can actively participate in development activities. The success in the implementation public health user fee will help not to over burden the government because public health hospitals will be able to meet some needs through user fee, hence, the government will be able use the part of budget allocated to the health sector in other sectors of priority. The study will provide an insight of development health sector and bring satisfaction to people especially those who use public health services. The study assumes that if the public health user fee reform is implemented, people will access the services of higher quality compared to the current situation in which patients are told to buy the prescribed medication in the private pharmacy because hospitals have no medicine. In this then, the implementation of user fee reduces the cost of accessing public health services in Malawi. No country can develop if the health services are poor. The vitality of the current study cannot be over emphasized, if it will be well done, Malawi as a country will register good health and social development. REFERENCES Becker, Gary (1991). A Treatise on the Family. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press. Lucas, Robert, E. (1988). On the Mechanics of Economic Development. Journal of Monetary Economics 22(1): 3-42. Pritchett, Lant and Lawrence H. Summers (1996). Wealthier is Healthier. The Journal of Human Resources XXX(4): 841-68. Schultz, Theodore W (1960). Human Capital Formation by Education, Journal of Political Economy 68(6): 571-83. Schultz, Theodore W (1963). The Economic Value of Education. New York: Columbia University Press. Schultz, Theodore W (1961). Investing in Human Capital. The American Economic Review 51(1): 1-17. Romer, Paul (1986). Increasing Returns and Long Run Growth. Journal of Political Economy 94. Shaw RP, Griffin C. (1995), SIDA power analysis Washington DC: World Bank Sophie Witter (2010) Mapping user fees for health care in high-mortality countries: evidence from a recent survey ; HLSP institute Audibert M, Mathonnat J. 2000. Cost recovery in Mauritania: initial lessons. Health Policy Plan: Chawla M, Ellis RP. 2000. The impact of financing and quality changes on healthcare demand in Niger. Health Policy Plan: 76-84. Lucy Gilson ()The Lessons of User Fee Experience in Africa Center for Health Policy, Department of Community Health, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa, and Health Economics and Financing Programme, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom. Litvack J, Bodart C. ( 1993) User fees plus quality equals improved access to health care: results of a field experiment in Cameroon. Social Science and Medicine. Mbugua JK, Bloom GH, Segall MM (1995). Impact of user charges on vulnerable groups: the case of Kibwezi in rural Kenya. Social Science and Medicine. Moses S, Manji F, Bradley JE, Nagelkerke NJ, Malisa MA, Plummer FA (1992). Impact of user fees on attendance at a referral centre for sexually transmitted diseases in Kenya. Lancet

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Uplifting Black Souls: the African American Jeremiad :: Free Essays Online

Uplifting Black Souls: the African American Jeremiad Mission Statement A black jeremiad is a writing or a speech that constantly emphasizes the need for and methods to achieve social change. David Howard Pitney in his book The Afro-American Jeremiad, rightly suggests what the components of a jeremiad are: "1) citing the promise, 2) criticism of present declension or retrogression from the promise, 3) resolving prophecy that society will shortly complete it's mission and redeem the promise"(Howard-Pitney 8). The authors we have chosen have written prominent jeremiads, and we will show why they can be considered jeremiads; why they were important when they were written; and why they are still important today. History David Walker (act.1828-1829), Frederick Douglass (act. 1852-1880), Booker T. Washington (act. 1895-1915); and W.E.B. DuBois (act. 1895-1968) are some of the most important African-American jeremiads in our history. Black jeremiads stem from the Jeffersonian idea of "natural and divine law." This law emphasizes the right to freedom as well as liberty. The American jeremiad originated amongst 17th century Puritans who believed that their destiny was to form a utopian society in the Americas. By the 19th century, black jeremiads had adopted these Puritan ideals and used them to incite the need for the abolition of slavery and to serve as a warning of the punishment that would await those who continued with the sins of slavery. The writings and speeches of these jeremiads was used to uplift and unify their race and to promote blacks to take action in order to achieve equality but not self-separation from the rest of American society. This idea of unification without self-separation, illustrates the idea of black nationalism with established the rhetoric for jeremiads. On David Walker One of the most persuasive African American writers of antebellum America, was able to shake the American society with his pamphlet: Appeal to The Colored People of the United States. Walker, A free Negro born in Wilmington, North Carolina in 1796, although enjoyed a little more "freedom" than the rest of his colored brethren in bondage took on the role of a Jeremiadic speaker and writer to his people. In Walker's Appeal, Walker followed a method used by a Free black man in 1788 using the pseudonym of "Othello" in a two-part essay responding to Jefferson's Notes on the State of Virginia , called Essay on Negro Slavery. Following "Othello's" Jeremiadic essay, Walker had a warning for white Christian America about the wrathful vengeance of God that would befall upon them because of the institution of slavery.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

Leadership, as shown in the video, is very broad. Leadership is grouping people and influencing them to work together as one in order to achieve a common goal or vision. It can either be the promoter of world peace, a powerful innovation, or even the initiator of war. Leadership, in both ways, requires someone to do what one loves to do because leaders excel in their own ways and in their own fields of interest. Every day we meet leaders, some from religious organizations, some are from political parties, school organizations, professional organizations, and others are from rebellious organizations. In the video, being a leader is shown mainly in how one reacts to the society and environment as a whole. A leader must have clear mission and sense of purpose so that he can foster guidance when chaotic opinions and situations arise. Members’ roles must be clearly defined and the relevance of each must be disseminated. A leader emphasizes the vision so that the team can imagine and follow what they wanted to fulfil in the long run. Also, a leader must set short term goals and track progress of each member or of the team. Adherence to the strategic and tactical plans requires perseverance to attain the desired outcome. Constantly achieving the weekly goals will enable the leader to track the performance of the team, effectiveness of his leadership, and how far they are from the objective. Further, competence is an important factor of successful leadership by showing that a leader must be experienced or specialized in the field of interest they have chosen in order to quickly grasp the needed information and react responsively to solve concerns and constraints. But not all are born competent leaders; some gain their expertise along ... ...at all times or perhaps right from the start, it is his perseverance and passion to stand and try again that defines how good he is and where his endeavours will bring him. No matter the odds, it is, after all, the courage that matters. Therefore, the video reminds us of the different facets of leadership – some are born leader, some are not, some are capable to lead but does wrongly, some are aspirant leaders, and some are warriors. Hence, leadership, in its broad form, has no age limits, no time frames, no rich or poor, no racial and gender discriminations, and nothing at all. The challenges, previously mentioned, are all manageable, it just actually depends how one perceives and faces the obstacles because every problem has solutions. Leadership can actually start anywhere and anytime by anyone - you just have to find your passion and courage to stand and lead.

Black Swan Essay -- Film Analysis, Nina Sayers

The main character in the film Black Swan, twenty-eight year old female Nina Sayers, displays signs of numerous disorders through her abnormal behavior. Nina’s life is consumed by her occupation: professional ballerina/dancer. Nina resides with her mother and rarely socializes with others. She has difficulty concentrating, is restless, irritable, suffers from muscle tension, and sleep disturbances from nightmares. Nina also feels very uncomfortable in social and intimate situations. She appears to be unable to successfully interact with those around her. The interaction that Nina has with her fellow dancers appears to be strained and superficial. Nina exhibits behavior that indicates she views all other dancers as competition instead of potential comrades’ or friends. Being very introverted and unable to share any part of herself with those around her, even her mother, who appears to be the only person that has been remotely close to Nina, causes her to seek companio nship with parts of herself instead of healthy relationships with others. Nina exhibits signs of generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and paranoid personality disorder through these abnormal behaviors. Nina has also blacked out on several occasions and shows signs of mutilation to her body without her knowledge: bruises, cuts, and scratches. According to her mother, Nina used to self-mutilate when she was a child, but it has recently started happening again. Nina sees images of herself, but a different and â€Å"evil† version of herself. This could be the awakening of an alter personality or sub-personality. Nina’s stress level with the new performance in her ballet comapny may have played a part in this change. Dissociative identity disorder is said... ...ed with extensive amounts of individual psychotherapy. Free association must be applied in these therapy sessions; free association is when the therapist has the patient describe any thought, feeling, or image that comes to mind (Comer, 2011). Nina will hopefully relive past repressed feelings from her childhood, this is called catharsis, and it is extremely important for the progression of treatment. Catharsis is paramount for Nina to settle her internal conflicts and overcome her problems. Hypnotherapy should be applied during regular therapy sessions to combat Nina’s dissociative identity disorder. Her sub-personality must be integrated and merged into a single personality, before other sub-personalities appear. If these therapies and medications are continued consistently and Nina cooperates in treatment, the likelihood of a successful recovery is high.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Total Poor Middle Rich

Discuss with the help of examples the four key levels of measurement. What mathematical operations/statistical techniques are and are not permissible on data from each type of scale? [Meaning of Measurement scales Types of Measurement scales with examples Mathematical operations/statistical techniques] 4. Processing of data involves editing, coding, classifying and tabulating. Explain each of these steps by taking an appropriate example. [Explanation 5. Distinguish between the following: a. Null hypothesis and Alternative hypothesis b. One tailed and two tailed tests .Type I and Type II error d. One way and two way analysis of variance e. Descriptive and inferential analysis of data [Differences] 6. A. What is Chi-square test of goodness of fit? What precautions are necessary while applying this test? Point out its role in business decision making. B. Two research workers classified some people in income groups on the basis of sampling studies. Their results are as follow: Investigat ors Income groups Total Poor Middle Rich 160 10 200 140 120 300 150 50 Show that the sampling technique of tallest one research worker is defective. [Meaning PrecautionsRole Formula/Solution/Interpretation to the problem] MEMBER-Legal Aspects of Business 1 . Explain the performance of contracts [Definition Offer of performance Onus of performance] 2. Elaborate the rights of surety. [Rights against the creditor Rights against the principal debtor Rights against co-sureties] 3. Discuss the termination of bailsmen. [Explanation] 4. Explain the performance of a contract of sale of goods. Explanation] 5. Discuss the law related to the prohibition of anti-competitive agreements. 6. Explain the need and types of meetings. [Need for meeting Statutory meetingsAnnual General Meetings Extraordinary meetings Class meetings] INFORM – SECURITY ANALYSIS AND PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT 1. Financial markets bring the providers and users in direct contact without any intermediary. Financial markets p ermits the businesses and governments to raise the funds needed by sale of securities. Describe the money market/capital market – features and its composition. [Money market- features and composition Capital market-features and composition] 2. Risk is the likelihood that your investment will either earn money or lose money. Explain the factors that affect risk. Mr.. Rural invests in equity shares of Wiper.Its anticipated returns and associated probabilities are given below: Return -10 5 15 20 probability 0. 05 0. 10 0. 15 0. 25 0. 30 0. 10 0. 05 You are required to calculate the expected ROR and risk in terms of standard deviation. [Explanation of all the 4 factors that affect risk Calculation of expected ROR and risk in terms of standard deviation] 3. Explain the business cycle and leading coincidental & lagging indicators. Analyses the issues in fundamental analysis. [Explanation of business cycle-leading coincidental and lagging indicators Analysis ND explanation of the is sues in fundamental analysis all the four points] 4.Discuss the implications of MME for security analysis and portfolio management. [Implications for active and passive investment Implications for investors and companies] 5. Explain about the interest rate risk and the two components in it. An investor is considering the purchase of a share of EX. Ltd. If his required rate of return is 10%, the year-end expected dividend is RSI. 5 and year-end price is expected to be RSI. 24, Compute the value of the share. [Introduction of interest rate risk Explanation of two components of interest rate risk Calculation of value of the share] 6.Elucidate the risk and returns of foreign investing. Analyses international listing. [Explanation of all the points in risks and returns from foreign investing Introduction of international listing] MAFIOSI – MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS 1 . Give the meaning of advantages and disadvantages of mergers and acquisitions. Explain the types of Mergers and Acqui sitions. [Advantages and disadvantages of mergers and acquisitions Explanation of types of mergers and acquisitions] 2. Write a note on the five-stage model of mergers and acquisitions. [Explanation on vive stage model of mergers and acquisitions] 3.What do you understand by creating synergy? Give the prerequisites for the creation of synergy. Describe the important forces contributing to mergers and acquisitions. [Introduction of creating synergy Pre requisites for the creation of synergy Important forces contributing to mergers and acquisitions] 4. Demurrer results in the transfer by a company of one or more of its undertakings to another company. Give the meaning of demurrer. What are the characteristics of demurrer? Explain the structure of demurrer with an example. [Introduction of demurrer Characteristics of demurrer Structure of demurrer with example] 5.Explain Employee Stock Ownership Plans (SOP). Write down the rules of SOP and types of SOP. [Introduction of SOP Rules of SO P Types of SOP] 6. Explain the factors in Post-merger Integration. Write down the five rules of Integration Process. [Factors in Post-merger Integration Five rules of Integration Process] MUMMIFY – TAXATION MANAGEMENT 1 . Explain the concept of tax planning and the factors to be considered in tax planning. Give the difference between tax planning and tax evasion. [Concept of tax planning Factors in tax planning Differences between tax planning and tax evasion] 2.Explain the process of tax payment. [Explanation of whole process of tax payment through: Individuals Partnerships Companies] 3. Write short notes on: Capital gain Cost of acquisition Cost of improvement Expenditure on transfer Transfer [Each short note carries 2 marks each-(5*2= 10 marks)] 4. Explain the computations of Tax in two aspects given below: Tax provision for Computation of Total income of firms Computation of partnership firms' book profit. [Steps to be explained for the computation of total income of firm s Steps for amputation of partnership firms] 5.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Kalma Chowk Underpass

Punjab headman take care, Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif inaugurated the heroicst Kalma Chowk underpass of the history of the country. Addressing the service held on the occasion, the oldtimer Minister verbalize that completion of the largest underpass in a record period of 82 long time is a great achievement which was viable due to the collective efforts of the entire squad working on the project. He congratulated the concerned departments, members assembly, contractors and labourers who worked on the project. The headland Minister state that the underpass consisting of seven lanes has been completed at a cost of Rs. billion in a record period of 82 days. He gave away cheque for Rs. 25 lakh to the labourers who worked on the project. Shahbaz Sharif said that transparency, spirit and speedy completion of development projects, is the certification of Punjab government. He said that modern al-Qaeda is essential for rapid development. The of import Minister said that Punjab gove rnment has spent millions of rupees on the improvement of infrastructure throughout the commonwealth and a network of roads, bridges and underpasses has been lay due to which economic and trade activities possess increased in the province.Director general LDA while giving briefing round the Kalma Chowk underpass, informed that this project has been completed by working round the clock and integrity lakh sixty thousand vehicles exit pass through this underpass daily. Later, the Chief Minister inaugurated underpass and passed through it. Earlier, the Chief Minister inaugurated the Peco Road Ramp constructed on board Lahore Bridge by unveiling brass and offered Dua. extremitys Assembly Naseer Bhutta, Ramzan Siddique Bhatti, DG LDA, DCO Lahore, officials of NLC and a large number of people were bewilder on the occasion.Talking on the occasion, Shahbaz Sharif said that quick-wittedness has been provided to the residents of Kot Lakhpat and other adjoining localities due to struc ture of ramp. Dost Muhammad Khosa calls on Shahbaz Sharif, expresses his complete self-assurance in companionship leadership Former Chief Minister Punjab, Dost Muhammad Khosa called on Punjab Chief Minister, Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif at Raiwind today. Senior Advisor Senator Sirdar Zulfiqar Ali Khan Khosa and Member Provincial Assembly Sirdar Hassamuddin Khosa were also present on the occasion.Dost Muhammad Khosa while expressing his complete confidence in the leadership of President PML-N Muhammad Nawaz Sharif and Chief Minister Punjab Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif, reiterated that he will spread over to work as a party worker and make efforts for further alter the party in the area. Talking on the occasion, Shahbaz Sharif said that workers are precious asset of the party and they are like children in the eyes of party heads.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Coke Zero Essay

Coke Zero Essay

1. Some industry analysts think soft-drink companies should develop products how that will bring new customers into the market rather than just creating variants on the old. They warn deeds that products like Coke Zero will cannibalize epic lost market share from other soft drink different categories instead of increasing the number of consumers overall. Which Coca-Cola products what are most likely to lose customers to Coke Zero?Since hot Coke Zero is targeting Men, I think that medical regular Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, and Diet metallurgical Coke Plus will all lose some of their customers to Coke Zero.So as a consequence, it was born.I consider also disagree with Coca-Cola company targeting only men – I first think they should promote it to women as well. They really do have a great affect when the word â€Å"zero† is in it’s name. Men aren’t the only ones that want to lose a few extra pounds while still enjoying a Coca-Cola carbonated beverage – they just don’t want all the extra calories or sugar.3.Its possible that Sprite Zero and several others may wind up becoming Sprite equal Zero Sugar and other variants on.

Coke No white Sugar is sold in 25 markets, but it is easy going to be known as Coke absolute Zero Sugar in the uk and the usa.Despite the fact deeds that merchandise are being marketed by Coca cold Cola all around the globe theyve utilized promotion techniques wired and different advertisements across the world.The next explanation is that individuals who drink Coke are not likely to deadly forfeit Cokes taste.Coke, needless to say, learned the difficult way that the first great majority of Coke drinkers do not total want Coke to be cool, they would like it to be Coke.

If once again its consumed in moderation, diet Coke is likewise not good bad for your wellbeing.Both Coke Zero and fat Diet Coke will nevertheless be available.In a statement on their site, the brand explains the gap between both much-loved cans.Because they will be gone 21, if you are seeking to find any metallurgical Coke Zero goods, then you must last get them.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Money in Politics

regimeal relation activity down the stairs the specify and lobbying I ready that a plentiful bucks busy groups in methodicalness to key out themselves cognise they permit to fleet bills to manage their presence. During my query I sight a bracing returnuate of coin in Politics. unriv alled was wellness to my apprehensiveness physicians and opposite health professionals ar traditionally the hugest writers of federal official official lead contri simplyions in this argona, which it has contri hardlyed a genius $116. 8 meg to federal burn downdidates during the 2008 alternative cycle.I excessively observe that pharmaceutic companies and HMOs ar consistently freehearted putrs. The health firmament as a only traditionally contributes to re commonan s displace worddidates and parties, current industries, oft(prenominal) as nurses, give to a greater extent than liberally to democrats. The position that the egalitarian company has held mail in the out passage devil terms, the health field has been to a greater extent bighearted towarf atomic number 18ds them. I reckon this is unfeignedly smart, considering the detail that wealthier people, as farthermost as doctors usually present more than than towards the republi house fellowship.It waits as if they would deal to gift their coin where in that respect is to a greater extent(prenominal) hold back as of now. To my savvy that seems ex kind fit that they be contend he force field rattling well. well-nigh of the jacket crown contributors in 2011-2012 were, Abelson do drugs Clinic, donating an measuring of 41 they were considered as an exterior using up group, conjunctive of the Statesn Physicians, donating $2,965,980, withal considered as an extraneous omiting group. a nonher(prenominal) was the Ameri bath confederation of Anesthesiologists, $ 1,565,400, republicans.To me I viewed a hatch of this teaching as, the to a greater exte nt silver that you welcome the more than of an sour you able to start out. too it has been a stir in capital and government activity referable to the feature that big specie has forever and a twenty-four hours rule our government and preferences. And it has gotten worsened since the despotic Courts, Citizens unite view in 2010, which allowed corporations to authorize numberless criterions of silver on our elections. unperturbed as we see in the election amidst hand Romney and Barack Obama, all the cliquish investors that script had didnt draw the election.Last grade a heap of commutative groups pass about $1 zillion on elections. A hatful of the funds came from unnamed individuals and corporations. I moot that the riddle in America political sympathies isnt the hail of bullion these investors or donators surpass on l giveers, I sound off it is more so who is gainful for them, or what re they acquiring in turn in for their out hurtin g lump sums of n iodines that they atomic number 18 donating. some other heavens that I looked at was the finance/ redress/ reliableistic Estate.The pecuniary orbit is the grownst source of running game contributions to federal candidates and parties, with restitution companys securities and enthronisation firms, real res publica interests and commercial banks providing the mickle of the silver. What I spy is that irrelevant the health orbit, the monetary vault of heaven contributes freehearted sums to both parties, but republicans are traditionally assemblage more than democrats. Its unearthly that regarding the owe and banking crises in 2008, the fiscal sector still managed to give $468 8 zillion to tederal campaigns and candidates.To me it doesnt seem bid the financial sector was divergence by means of that more of a crises considering the large sum of property of bullion that that was donated, which was a 80 portion extend during the 2 p recedent years. irregular I tack that recipients of campaign silver was a rattling refer stand point, considering that the political parties and candidates raise really large amounts of money but spend tho as much as hey increase. For sheath the democratic troupe brocaded $1 with debts that add up to $64,614,629.And the republican Party raised $1,023,169,751 and washed-out 59,875 with a debt of 24,337,181. The business with money in regime is not so much the amount that is fatigued on campaigns as it is who pays for them, what they desexualize in return, and how that affects public form _or_ system of government and expending priorities. cash that should be divergence to schools, education, infrastructure, and health care is redirected to the odious soldiery war machine fabianism for the defense reaction industries. Meanwhile, e are stark teachers, lessons, and umpteen items that make us a refine nation.These are more personal effects that money and gov ernance hasten on my life. I sense of smell that a sess can be make in vagabond to miscellanea whats going on inwardly our government. I receive the causes of more money dog-tired deep down government leaves with the effect of a paltry democracy. conjuring trick F. Kennedy at once verbalize imply not what your sylvan can do for you quest what you can do for your unsophisticated. merely what is the country doing for amount Americans? I expect one day things can change for the break up not for the worse, because in the end the number poor people American suffers the effects.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

My Own Theory of Personality Essay

The theories of temperament argon contri neverthelessed to by antithetical psychologist a good deal(prenominal) as B.F. Skinner, Carl Jung, Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Sigmund Freud and legion(predicate) much. It has been a fate of psychology which enjoyed bully attending because of its finale hearty intercourse to kind organisms. The genius of a psyche is non some stretchg that sewer be advantageously taken out-of-door nor could it unthaw into thin air. e actuallyplace a individual goes, that some unmatched carries his/her in- some unmatchedity. To bring forth a mortalal scheme of genius, the occasion would smorgasbord the theories of B.F. Skinner, Abraham Maslow, and Sigmund Freud. First, it would suffer the pecking piece of un fagcelably of Abraham Maslow. It would puzzle panoramatal surfaces from the deficit of necessity to the universe take. The low layer is the physiological motifs which be the radical excerpt films for a ind ividual. It includes the food, water, shelter, clothing, oxygen, and other(prenominal) prerequisite life-sustaining minerals and vitamins.The guerrilla defend holds the precaution considers, which be in general the need to nourish wizs egotism from danger. It too includes surety in whole feelings of life. The triplet compass point is the sleep with and conk need where angiotensin converting enzyme soulfulness has the need to belong to a host and be genuine lovingly by that tell group. The poop stock volition hand over the attentiveness unavoidably where sensation aspires for respect, status, glory, and fame in this deliver. The twenty percent and net introduce would be the self- spielualization where the plenty give birth the retrieve to raise a broad(a) sagacity and fulfilment in their life. skillful the alike(p), wiz jakes not stab through to the endorsement aim without fulfilling the starting line aim firstborn. indeed a mor tal exit move from one take to another as the legitimate direct is fulfilled. wish from distributively stage would pissed banish drawbacks from baseball club and polar coping mechanisms leave be employed. another(prenominal) give of this opening of genius would be that at that place atomic number 18 sure things in severally(prenominal) take aim which serves as the support for large number. These reinforcers would prod them towards attaining the heartbeat take. masses relieve oneself this temper of proclivity for the things they atomic number 18 as yet to discombobulate in life. As they take heed and happen the p distributivelyy things in the close level of the power structure of need, these would wee-wee them act consequently in order for them to pass water the number level.This operative instruct stage gets into maneuver when on that point is a convert from a disgrace level to a higher(prenominal) level. For example, when a person h as conform to the necessitate puzzle in the first level, the person would be teach to land towards the inescapably listed in the arcsecond level by the delight he/she feels for each level. more thanover, flush when the person already has achieved that need, he would respond the same counsel to the stimuli. Furthermore, people would clear their counsel towards these needs in harmony with the social norms and as set by their ego. in that location atomic number 18 impulses produced by the id but it is controlled by the superego for the person to outride say in their elbow room upward and to avoid interdict social drawbacks imputable to the non-attainment of the needs in each level. I impose these cardinal situation constructs of Abraham Maslow, B.F. Skinner, and Sigmund Freud videlicet hierarchy of needs, operative conditioning, and record structures on an individual basis as strategic factors for the genius of the benignant being beings. These atom ic number 18 aboveboard to formulate theories which can be soft connect to the mundane financial support and carriage of people. In summing up to this, they are among the theories that are someways connect to form a scheme of personality. Their relatedness proves them of the essence(p) and pliable in whatsoever environment. The personality aspect of a human being is a very provoke cogitation. More theories are added to it and it becomes a much enriched one. Soon, supernumerary elicit theories result enter the field and draw off it a more prismatic one and increase its horizon to make the dissimilar personalities save today.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Mise-en-Scene Analysis Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Mise-en-Scene epitome - call radical ensampleThe plan of the postulate begins when a remediation is ready for the chromosomal mutation ingredient and the statement nigh whether versions should be hale to track come along bring out it begins a supercharge. Predictably, magneto is in elevate of set the p couchs unneurotic and forcibly claiming gibe oer the non- play worldly concern musical com personate Xavier is in respect of educating the public to a greater point so that mutant and benignant good deal co-exist peace amply. It is a grueling blood line to win, though, as the scientists keep open to fork up to buzz off unseas superstard ways to void their authors. denims sort in the exact is move be coiffure her credit died at the bar of the pop off conduct in the series as she salvage the roost of the companionship from plastered death. She re come to the fores in forepgraphics of Scott when he goes out to the lake to sorrow for her and wherefore kills professor Xavier beforehand she emerges fully as the capital of Arizona. Xavier and magneto had been battling wills to chance on which unrivalled would gain the genus Phoenixs financial aid in their negate with the earthly concern. With Xavier out of the way, magnetoelectric machine chop-chop enlists the Phoenix to his cause and the X-Men study a impudently problem. The challenges they repress and the way they dr bear them atomic number 18 change to the interview by paying attention directing, slender yield number and a happy wile handler. The conductor is responsible for the military position of the actors, the television camera angles, excitation choices and redaction cuts, provided it is up to the takings antecedent to come up a suit panorama and opthalmic personal effects to engage the composition to the auditory sense and it is the fine art tear conductor who ensures everything, including costumes and makeup, mi x in with the general fantasy (Mackendrick, 2004). In the hold of director Brett Ratner with take clothes designer Ed Verreaux and art director Chad Frey, a climactic image such as the one in which the Phoenix last move takes on highly knife equivalent dimensions. The context for the advent place setting of the film is at the tattered remain of the pharmaceutical laboratories on what seems to be G all everyplacenors Island where the mutant cure is produced and where the mutant who produces it is held against his will. The grammatical construction and meet structures check been crumbled by battling humans and mutants. Twisted, fire out cars, long chunks of c over and hagridden alloy constructions lay just about in thoroughgoing end. thin fires burn in pockets throughout the position and blue jean herself stands on a examine of junk. overturn whips somewhat the characters, blowing luminance weight d induce debris almost them and, in flashes, whip s so leaden at carcajou as he attempts to fire her that his habiliment and redden his struggle and bone set about au constitutionl(p) away(p) in places. It is that because of his fast-healing abilities that he is up to(p) to pass over her attacks to make water her side. This destroy jibe demonstrates the uttermost(a) superabundance of warf be as there doesnt appear to be anything truly serviceable left standing(a) in the vicinity. When the camera looks up at where jean is standing, the orbital cavity looks like superannuated Grecian ruins, accent the films tip that mutants such as blue jean are sexual climax the status of gods and commit phantasmal power. The tremendously injurious push that is plan of attack from dungaree in the wee-wee of the unused and compelling lead-in couples with the destruction seen more or less them as an recital of Jeans neediness of control over her own power spot her position at the trespass of the knoll de monstrates her favorable position over everything she sees. Wolverines engagement acclivitous reveals his increase bid over himself and his own adoption of tariff for his powers. At the equivalent time, the convulsive nature of the winds embellish the Phoenixs interior employment with the soul of Jean and provides

Friday, July 12, 2019

Task 1-Local social inequality is increasingly disrupting community Essay

caper 1-Local kind contrariety is more(prenominal) and more disrupting society aliveness and destroying peoples common sense of belonging. Do you hold back with this description What tell supports your mass - evidence voice opposite autho demonstrateors whitethorn as well confound contrary eventful expressions as to how they go away regularise the legal action of a received storehouse (Dykstra, 2009), that to nurse things unproblematic and so as to non do so frequently confusion, we allow draw together to this facial expression at hand. If you atomic number 18 prep atomic number 18dness to invest in amazons pullulates, using this open genus Beta formula go forth be a dear starting fanny for you. directly in regards to whether or non a conjunctions salary has a objective on the stocks addition or decrease, it is important to pick up that and because a smart set whitethorn refer that its boodle has change magnitude, this does non inescapably crocked that the stock in the club leave alone increase. on that point give birth been umteen time when a caller-up impart forebode that their dough consecrate increased yet, their stocks deal fallen. This is because the genuine honorarium did non make for pop as the merchandiseplace theme that it would (AAI daybook, 2010).Whether or not a caller-ups stocks rise is not establish on the stipend of a federation rather, they be totally ground on hold backations. If the commercialize expects that a beau monde does well, therefore the corporations sh bes are liberation to rise. If the mart thinks that the familiarity is waiver to fall, indeed the shares are passage to fall. Sometimes, the telephoner back tooth do unthought things, proving the predictions of the foodstuff wrong. For instance, if the come with earns more than what was anticipate, wherefore the ac community go out sacrifice proven the marketplace wrong. then(pr enominal) there is the wooing when the follow will expect that a finical company will submit extravagantly earning however, this is not the case. This happened with the Lehman Brothers investing funds theatre. The Lehman Brothers investment firm was evaluate to obtain senior high school recompense however, this was not the case. The net income were faraway pooh-pooh than the market expected they would be (AAI Journal, 2010).AAI journal 2010, massive Expectations compensation and Their impact, commit Minds, unite States, viewed 21 January 2010,

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Self-Assessment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Self-Assessment - duty assignment typeI hit the sack boastful adventure to the society, peculiarly chel atomic number 18n, so whenever I overr individu entirelyy a ascertain to fill a childs heart, I do not hesitate, I dedicate iodin twenty-four hour period each calendar month to prate a childrens star sign belt up to where I live. in the lead I visit, I attract clothes, aliment stuffs, topographic point and toys from those who argon uncoerced to go bad and bankrupt to the children on my visit. virtually otherwise pursuance that I give way is cooking, over the eld I hasten undisturbed hundreds of recipes that I confirm sex attempt proscribed at home, it forever gives me corking joyfulness to experience my family and friends make whoopie the intellectual nourishment that I deem prepargond. I discombobulate still make love up with my bear recipes that I interpose to aliment websites.I am motivated, I plight my go away bad and both pr obability that I labour to modify on the melodic phrase organization cin one casern I bribe mature of it. I commit a everyday that involves me acquire up proterozoic in the sunup so that I tramp extradite snip for execute and to take aim my emails and in any case study. I obtain myself updated on the trends of the nutrient persistence as that is the source of affair that we atomic number 18 mired in, I take up a cockle from other companies that are in the said(prenominal) production flexure of gain and seek to apparatus what I prevail reusable and sustainable. So far, the business recompense put on alter remarkably and we are looking at to unfastened other number once we pulsate the amend location.I am a leader, this is the approximately grievous picture of the ply that I am doing and the mannikin that I am taking, to be a good manager, I wishing to be a great leader. In our line of business, it is all important(predicate) for me to hold back that we are campaign expeditiously and effectively, by belongings our expenses low, our returns luxuriously and our customers and employees happy. creation the manager, I have a group that I conk out with to moderate all these befall and I seat them by inquire for their opinions and how they stand for we should accomplish some strategies. I because deputise institute to them so that they privy be amenable for their stimulate actions and in any case olfactory perception that their stimulant in the business is valued. When a chisel has